The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the United Hospital Fund’s Next Step in Care campaign collaborated on a series of six podcasts called "Helping Patients & Family Caregivers Take the Next Step in Care: Medication Management."
Each podcast covers an important topic for family caregivers and health care providers. They can be used separately or in order. The topics include medication risks during transitions in care setting (such as hospital to home, medication reconciliation (comparing old medication lists with new prescriptions), ongoing medication management, monitoring compliance with the medication regimen, how to get help paying for medications, and medication management for family caregivers. Many of the podcasts refer to Next Step in Care Family Caregiver guides, which are available on this website.
Disposing of Medications:
Many non-health care providers do not know the best ways to dispose of unused medications, leading to hazards ranging from accidental use to teen drug abuse. When counseling a family caregiver regarding medication management and changes in medications, these easy-to-follow directions from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on how to dispose of unused medications can help. A summary is here. More details, including a listing of what specific medications should be flushed, is here.